Step 1 - Historical Context

- Use your online textbook to read the section on your chosen country.
- If you never made an account, here are the instructions to do so.
- If you did not make an online textbook account, you can do both the China and Japan alternative readings below.
- Country choices and textbook page numbers are on the back of your blue studyguide.
- Read your country's textbook section and complete the blue studyguide boxes for your section
- HONORS: Also complete questions 1-5 at the end of your section. Submit by sharing a Google Doc with [email protected].
Step 2 - Evidence

- Bookmark things you like.
- You are looking for historical information on the four themes: political, religious, economic, cultural.
- Locate and watch travel videos as closely-related to your historical topic as you can find.
- Look for Global Heritage Sites around your country.
- Search for other travel information about your country, from a historical perspective.
Step 3 - Arguement
You will use Adobe Spark - Pages to make a travel advertisement about your country. You should write this in your voice to convince someone they should visit this location. (2nd person "you" is appropriate here.)
Specifically, include four paragraphs about four travel sites, one for each theme of economics, political, religion, culture.